Clinical Study

Effect of Melatonin on Cognitive Function and Sleep in relation to Breast Cancer Surgery: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Table 2

Incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) for melatonin versus placebo.

14 (12.75–14) days after surgery
13 (11–15) days after surgery
84 (80–86) days after surgery
85 (83–91) days after surgery

POCD (yes/no)0/200/261.001/150/260.38
0% 0% 6.3% 0%

Calculations based on normative data from 133 females aged 40–60 years [30].
value: Fisher’s test.
Neuropsychological testing in median (IQR) days after surgery.
Values are number of patients, percentages, and 95% confidence intervals.