Research Article

Perspectives of Cosmesis following Breast Conservation for Multifocal and Multicentric Breast Cancers

Table 1

Summary of demographic, clinicopathologic, and outcome data for study population.

Clinicopathologic characteristicMFMCBC ()Multifocal (MF)Multicentric (MC) value

Age in years
 Median (range)45.5 (28–67)45.5 (31–67)45.0 (28–52)0.26
 Mean (SD)46.08 (9.6)47.5 (11.2)43.9 (6.2)0.26

 Chinese 28(70.0)19(67.9) 9(32.1)0.20
 Other Asian 11(27.5) 5(45.5) 6(54.5)
 Caucasian 1(2.5) 0 1(100)

Mode of presentation
 Symptomatic tumours29(72.5)18(62.1)11(37.9)0.67
 Screen detected lesions11(27.5) 5(45.5) 6(54.5)

Pathologic tumour size in mm
 Median (range)20.018.5 (0–72)20.0 (0–55)
 Mean (SD)19.6 (14)20.0 (14.9)20.1 (12.22)0.99
 <20 mm (T1)23(57.5)14(60.9)9(39.1)0.85
 20–<50 mm (T2)14(35.0)8(57.1)6(42.9)
 >50 mm (T3) 2 (5.0)1(50.0)1(50.0)
 Skin and/or chest wall involved (T4) 1 (2.5)01(100)

Stage at diagnosis
 0 5(12.5)4(80.0) 1(20.0)0.06
 I13(32.5)9(69.2) 4(30.8)
 III 5(12.5)4(80.0) 1(20.0)
 IV 0

Histological type
 DCIS 5(12.5) 4(80.0) 1(20.0)0.21
 Invasive ductal30(75.0)19(63.3)11(36.7)
 Invasive lobular 4(10.0) 1(25.0) 3(75.0)
 Other invasive 1 (2.5) 0 1(100)

 DCIS 5(12.5) 4(80.0)1(20.0)0.02
 1 6(15.0) 3(50.0)3(50.0)
 213(32.5) 4(30.8)9(69.2)
 Unknown 1(2.5)1(100)

Hormone-receptor status
 Negative10(25.0) 7(70.0) 3(30.0)
 Unknown 2(5.0) 2(100) 0

Neoadjuvant medical therapy
 No11(27.5) 5(45.5) 6(54.5)0.25

Surgical procedure
 Mastectomy by need 5(12.5) 2 (8.3) 3(18.7)
 Mastectomy by choice 1(2.5) 1 (4.2)

Reoperations 4(10.0)
 Axillary dissection 1(2.5) 1
 Missed multicentric 3 (7.5) 3

 Locoregional recurrence1 (2.5)1
 Distant disease/death2 (5.0)11

Median follow-up (months)59

5-year breast cancer-specific survival95.7%100%87.5%Log-rank test: 0.47

5-year disease-free survival92.7%100%80.8%Log-rank test: 0.52

MFMCBC: multifocal, multicentric breast cancer.
BCT: breast conservation treatment; SD: standard deviation.
Dimension of largest lesion.
+Percentage expressed as the number undergoing BCT in the MF or MC group, respectively.