Research Article

Colorectal Carcinoma: Local Tumor Staging and Assessment of Lymph Node Metastasis by High-Resolution MR Imaging in Surgical Specimens

Figure 1

Images of the normal colorectal wall. (a) High-resolution T2-weighted MR image (2000/70) clearly depicts the normal colorectal wall as consisting of seven layers, which correspond well with the histopathologic layers. M: mucosa; MM: muscularis mucosae; SM: submucosa; ICM: inner circular muscle; ICT: intermuscular connective tissue; OLM: outer longitudinal muscle; SS: subserosa/serosa or adventitia. (b) High-resolution T1-weighted MR image (500/20) does not depict the detailed structures of the colorectal wall, though subserosal or adventitial fat tissue has high signal intensity. (c) Histopathologic section of the normal colorectal wall shows the mucosa (M), muscularis mucosae (MM), submucosa (SM), muscularis propria (inner circular muscle (ICM), intermuscular connective tissue (ICT), and outer longitudinal muscle (OLM)), and subserosa/serosa or adventitia (SS). (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification: 3.2.)