Research Article

CUDA-Accelerated Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Fiber Tracking

Table 3

Benchmark results for GPU and CPU implementation of the geodesic ray-tracing algorithm. For each configuration, we show the running time (T) in seconds, and the Speed-Up factor (SU) relative to the best CPU timing, see Figure 7.

ā€ƒā€ƒ CPU FX 770M 8800 GT GTX 260 GTX 470
Number of seedsT T SUT SUT SUT SU

1024 1.403 0.761 1.8 0.273 5.1 0.225 6.2 0.087 16.1
2048 2.788 1.388 2.0 0.448 6.2 0.244 11.4 0.093 30.0
3072 4.185 1.995 2.1 0.760 5.5 0.256 16.3 0.107 39.1
4096 5.571 2.772 2.0 0.900 6.2 0.301 18.5 0.139 40.0