Research Article

A Comparison of Hyperelastic Warping of PET Images with Tagged MRI for the Analysis of Cardiac Deformation

Table 1

Sensitivity results for Heart 1. The sensitivity study results for the Heart 1 analyses indicate that warping was relatively insensitive to image noise, moderate decreases in image intensity, and changes in fiber orientation. An SNR level of 1 (bold) caused severe degradation of the registration results with large increases in %RMSE and a reduction of the values. The lack of active contraction in the analysis also resulted in degradation of the error measures.

Cir. strainRadial strain

Validation study 0.0980.8130.1380.780
SNR 80.1090.8130.1220.780
SNR 4 0.1090.8110.1330.798
SNR 10.2360.2200.1960.210
SNR 0.50.2800.7700.4390.790
SNR 0.10.1310.7860.1450.750
Reduction in fiber angle (+5%)0.1050.8130.1430.796
Increase in fiber angle (−5%) 0.1160.8100.1220.800
10% reduction in intensity0.1170.8200.1160.780
20% reduction in intensity0.1160.8100.1390.800
40% reduction in intensity0.1290.7830.1390.790
No active contraction0.1810.7700.1910.750