Research Article

Receptor-Mediated Transcytosis of Leptin through Human Intestinal Cells In Vitro

Figure 5

Presence of the soluble leptin receptor (OBRs) in the basal compartment of Caco-2/15 cell culture. (a) Detection of the soluble leptin receptor (OBRs) by immunoblot was carried out on the basal medium of 3 different experiments. (b) Immunoprecipitation of the media using the antibody against leptin receptor reveals the presence of the soluble receptor (80 kDa) associated to leptin (16 kDa); inversely, immunoprecipitation with the leptin antibody led to the same bands. Levels of soluble leptin receptor were measured in supranatant culture media (c) and in homogenates (d) from cells infected with pLKO.1, C7 or C9 virus. OBRs levels in basal media and cell homogenates were significantly decreased by C7 or C9. Bars represent the mean values s.e.m ( = 5).