Research Article

Cytoskeletal Interactions at the Nuclear Envelope Mediated by Nesprins

Figure 1

Nesprin-1 isoforms in various cell lines. (a) Schematic of Nesprin-1-165 domain structure and location of the epitopes of the antibodies. ABD, actin binding domain; SR, spectrin repeat. (b) Homogenates of mouse C2F3 myoblasts, COS7, and mouse CH310T1/2 cells were separated on a 3–15% SDS-PA gradient gel and probed after transfer to PVDF membranes with mAb K43-322-2. (c) Homogenates of human cervical carcinoma (HeLa), human epithelial carcinoma (A431), A172, HaCaT, and COS7 cells were separated on 2–10% gradient SDS-PA gels, blotted, and probed for Nesprin-1 Giant using purified rabbit anti-ABD Nesprin-1 antibodies. The separate panel on the right shows a longer exposure for HaCaT and COS7 cell lysates. Stars indicate the position of Nesprin-1 Giant at 1 MDa. (d) HaCaT cell lysate was probed for Nesprin-2 Giant at 800 kDa with mAb K20-478-4 directed against the ABD of Nesprin-2 as a size marker.