Review Article

Role of Pseudoexons and Pseudointrons in Human Cancer

Figure 2

Pseudointrons whose alternative splicing can be altered in tumors. Schemes of pseudointron alternative splicing events shown to occur within the Fibronectin (IIICS, (a)), Acetylcholinesterase (AchE, (b)), and Thrombopoietin (THPO, (c)) genes. Pseudointrons are shown as white boxes in IIICS (CS5-93 nt), AchE (4′-R), and THPO (116 nt). Solid lines indicate introns and dotted lines distinguish the different splicing events. The C-terminal sequence of each splicing variant for each gene is also shown. For IIICS and THPO, additional exonic elements undergoing alternative splicing are shown as gray boxes. In the AchE gene, gray triangles indicate stop codon within different ORFs. See text for definition of each splice variant.