Research Article

Phase Behaviour of 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Thiocyanate Ionic Liquid with Catalytic Deactivated Compounds and Water at Several Temperatures: Experiments and Theoretical Predictions

Table 3

Surface tension σ and refractive index for pure compounds of the binary system studied in this work at 298.15K and atmospheric pressure.

(mN m−1)
Present studyLiterature valuePresent studyLiterature value

Pyridine (PY)37.5NA1.5013NA
Pyrrole (PYRR)41.7NA1.4884NA
Quinoline (QU)46.5NA1.4997NA
Indoline (INDO)32.6NA1.5867NA
Thiophene (TS)31.7NA1.52711.5255e,f

*[15]; e[16]; f[17]; g[19]; NA. not found.