Research Article

Densities, Apparent Molar Volume, Expansivities, Hepler’s Constant, and Isobaric Thermal Expansion Coefficients of the Binary Mixtures of Piperazine with Water, Methanol, and Acetone at T = 293.15 to 328.15 K

Table 2

Comparison of the densities of the pure solvents measured in this study with those reported previously at various temperatures and at atmospheric pressure with standard uncertainties: u (T) = ±0.01 K u (ρ) = ±0.1 kg/m3, u (m) = ±0.0004 mol/kg, and u (P) = ±0.002 atm.

Density (ρ0) kg/m3
T/KThis workLit. value(Reference)T/KThis workLit. value(Reference)

293.15791.6791.9(Papanastasiou and Ziogas [12])293.15789.9790.02(Kinart et al. [13])
791.65(Gonfa et al. [14])790.355(Janz and Tomkins [15])
298.15786.9786.884(Anwar and Yasmeen [16])298.15784.2784.45(Kinart et al. [13])
786.68(Tu et al. [17])784.638(Janz and Tomkins [15])
303.15782.2782.158(Anwar and Yasmeen [16])303.15778.5778.7(Fan et al. [18])
781.9(Tu et al. [19])778.57(Enders et al. [20])
308.15777.2777.2(Tu et al. [17])308.15773.0773.0(Hafez and Hartland [21])
777.414(Anwar and Yasmeen [16])773.065(Janz and Tomkins [15])
313.15772.4772.3(Tu et al. [19])313.15767.3767.03(Fan et al. [18])
772.64(Anwar and Yasmeen [16])767.21(Estrada-Baltazar et al [22])
318.15767.5767.6(Tu et al. [17])318.15761.6761.288(Janz and Tomkins [15])
767.844(Anwar and Yasmeen [16])761.3(Hafez and Hartland [21])
323.15762.7762.7(Bhuiyan and Uddin [23])323.15755.7755.14(Fan et al. [18])
763.028(Anwar and Yasmeen [16])755.31(Estrada-Baltazar et al [22])
328.15757.7759.2(Cai et al. [24])755.54(Wu et al. [25])