Research Article

Analytical Ballistic Trajectories with Approximately Linear Drag

Algorithm 2

Specialized C++ Quartic Solver.
double GetTimeToTargetRGivenInitialSpeedS(double k, double vInfinity, double rX,
      double rY, double s, bool highArc) {
//1. Start by getting coefficients for the function f(t) = a4*t4 + a3*t3
//+ a2*t2 + a1*t + a0 which is 0 at the sought time-to-target t. Solving
//f(t) = 0 for t > 0 is equivalent to solving e(u) = f(1/u)*u3 = a0*u3 +
//a1*u2 + a2*u + a3 + a4/u for u where u = 1/t, but the latter is more
//well-behaved, being a strictly convex function for u > 0 for any set of
//inputs iff a solution exists, so solve for e(u) = 0 instead by converging
//from a high or low bound towards the closest root and return 1/u.
double kRX = k * rX, kRY = k * rY, kRXSq = kRX * kRX, sS = s * s;
double twoKVInfinityRY = vInfinity * (kRY + kRY), kVInfinity = k * vInfinity;
double a0 = rX * rX + rY * rY, a1 = (k + k) * a0;
double a2 = kRXSq + kRY * kRY + twoKVInfinityRY − sS;
double a3 = twoKVInfinityRY * k, a4 = kVInfinity * kVInfinity;
double maxInvRelError = 1.0E6;   //Use an achievable inverse error bound.
double maxV0YSq = sS − kRXSq;//maxV0YSq is the max squared  “V0.y”  that leaves
double e, de, u, uDelta = 0; //enough  “V0.x” to reach rX horizontally.
//2. Set u to a lower/upper bound for the high/low arc, respectively.
if (highArc) { // Get smallest u vertically moving rY at max possible +v0.y.
double minusB = std::sqrt(maxV0YSq) − kRY;
double determ = minusB * minusB − (twoKVInfinityRY + twoKVInfinityRY);
u = (kVInfinity + kVInfinity)/(minusB + std::sqrt(determ));
maxInvRelError = −maxInvRelError; // Convergence over negative slopes.
} else if (rY < 0) { // Get largest u vertically moving rY at most neg. v0.y.
  double minusB = −std::sqrt(maxV0YSq) − kRY;
  double determ = minusB * minusB − (twoKVInfinityRY + twoKVInfinityRY);
  u = (minusB − std::sqrt(determ))/(rY + rY);
  //Clamp the above bound by the largest u that reaches rX horizontally.
  u = std::min(s/rX − k, u);
} else u = s/std::sqrt(a0) − k; // Get the (largest) u hitting rX
//horizontally a.s.a.p. while launching in the direction of [rX,rY].
//3. Let u monotonically converge to e(u)'s closest root using a modified
//Newton's method, almost scaling the delta as if the solution is a double
int it = 0; //root. Note that  “e”  = e(u) * u2 and  “de”  = de(u)/du * u2.
for (; it < 12; ++it, uDelta = e/de, u −= 1.9 * uDelta) {
  de = a0 * u; e = de + a1; de = de + e; e = e * u + a2; de = de * u + e;
  e = e * u + a3; e = (e * u + a4) * u; de = de * u * u − a4;
  if (!(u > 0 && de * maxInvRelError > 0 && e > 0)) break; //Overshot.
u += 0.9 * uDelta; //Trace back to unmodified Newton method's output.
//4. Continue to converge monotonically to e(u)'s closest root using
//Newton's method from the last known conservative estimate on the convex
//function. (Note that in practice, u will have converged enough in <12
for (; u > 0 && it < 12; ++it) {//iterations iff a solution does exists.)
  de = a0 * u; e = de + a1; de = de + e; e = e * u + a2; de = de * u + e;
  e = e * u + a3; e = (e * u + a4) * u; de = de * u * u − a4;
  uDelta = e/de; u −= uDelta;
  if (!(de * maxInvRelError > 0)) break; //Wrong side of the convex dip.
  if (uDelta * maxInvRelError < u && u > 0) return 1/u; //5a. Found it!
//5b. If no solution was found, return 0. This only happens if s (minus
//a small epsilon) is too small to have a solution, the target is at the
return 0; //origin, or the parameters are so extreme they cause overflows.