Research Article

The Relationship between Player’s Value Systems and Their In-Game Behavior in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game

Table 1

Summary of value systems.

Level and labelMeans valuesNature of existenceBasic theme

1th AN
NoneAutomaticExpress self as if it were just another animal according to the dictates of one’s imperative psychological needs
2th BO
TraditionalismTtribalisticSacrifice self to the way of your elders
3th CP
ExploitationEgocentricExpress self, to hell with the consequences, lest one suffer the torment of unbearable shame
4th DQ
SacrificeDeferentialisticSacrifice self now in order to receive reward later
5th ER
ScientismMaterialisticExpress self for what self desires, but in a fashion calculated not to bring down the wrath of others
6th FS
SociocentricityPersonalisticSacrifice now in order to get acceptance now
7th GT
AcceptingCognitivisticExpress self for what self desires, but never at the expenses of others and in a manner that all life, not just my life, will profit
8th HU
ExperiencingExperientialisticAdjust to the realities of one’s existence and automatically accept the existential dichotomies as they are and go on living