Research Article

MEnDiGa: A Minimal Engine for Digital Games

Algorithm 1

Setting up the GraphicNode of the playable character.
// Create the graphic node
SpriteNodeā€‰ā€‰graphicNode = new SpriteNode("bob", // sprite name
"res/superjumper/items.png", // source file path
32, 32); // width and height of a single frame within the sheet
// Select a rectangular region of the texture
graphicNode.setRegion(0, 128, // Upper left corner position
160, 32); // region width and height
// Defining animations
graphicNode.defineAnimation("jump", // Animation name
new int 0,1,0.2f,// Animations frame and frame delay
PlayMode.LOOP_NORMAL);// Play mode
graphicNode.setCurrentAnimation("jump"); // Set "jump" as the current animation
graphicNode.setScale(l/32f); // Set the scale as 32 pixels per game unit
this.addGraphicNode(graphicNode); // Add the sprite to the node