Research Article

xTrek: An Influence-Aware Technique for Dijkstra’s and A Pathfinders

Figure 4

Finding a path (in black) from the top-left node to the bottom-right node of a 50 × 50 grid using the risk-adverse Dijkstra’s (DjRAP) pathfinder: (a) without attractors and repulsors, the search space (neutral nodes in cyan) covers the entire map; (b) with 2 attractors, the search space covers the entire map, including neutral nodes (in cyan) and influence-constant attractor nodes (in red blended with cyan); (c) with 2 repulsors, the search space covers neutral nodes (in cyan) but not influence-constant repulsor nodes (in light lilac); (d) with 2 attractors and 2 repulsors, the search space covers neutral nodes (in cyan) and influence-constant attractor nodes (in red blended with cyan) but not repulsor nodes (in light lilac). Nodes in cyan or blended with cyan represent visited nodes, that is, nodes in the open and closed lists.