Clinical Study

Issues of Recruitment and Rationale for Conducting Clinical Trials on Mutans Streptococci Suppression in Mothers

Table 3

Studies on the prevalence rates of salivary levels of the mutans streptococci in mothers.

Author/yearCountryAge of infantsMothers screened ( )MS 105 CFU/mL Saliva— (%) - Sig. level

Bauru 2001–06Brazil2 mos.693525 (76%)
Kohler et al. 1978–81 [1]Sweden3–8 mos.249198 (80%)4%0.118
Brown et al. 1984-85 [5]Australia 2 yrs11291 (81%)5%0.118
Paunio et al. 1986–88 [6]Finland5–8 mos.15477 (50%) 26% 0.0001
Soderling et al. 1991 [8]Finland3 mos.338195 (58%) 18% 0.0001
Brambilla et al. 1993 [7]Italynot born31065 (21%) 55% 0.0001

: reference cited.