Research Article

Dental Laboratory Production of Prosthetic Restorations in a Population in Sofia, Bulgaria: A Descriptive Study

Table 2

Number (%) of prostheses delivered by the dental laboratories during the two-week recording.

ProsthesesDental laboratoryTotal

Fixed dental prosthesis30 (18)12 (26)8 (22)24 (24)8 (25)82 (21)
Removable partial denture11 (7) * 2 (5)10 (10)023 (6)
Crown108 (65)33 (72)24 (65)49 (47)24 (75)238 (63)
Implant retained crown5 (3)00005 (1)
Post & core8 (5)1 (2)3 (8)4 (4)016 (4)
Complete denture3 (2) * * 15 (15) * 18 (5)
Total165 (100)46 (100)37 (100)102 (100)32 (100)382 (100)

*Does not provide this service.