Research Article

Effects of Orally Administered Lactoferrin and Lactoperoxidase-Containing Tablets on Clinical and Bacteriological Profiles in Chronic Periodontitis Patients

Figure 2

Effect of the test tablet on bovine and human LF levels in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). Saliva levels of bovine LF (a), GCF levels of bovine LF (b), Saliva levels of human LF (c), and GCF levels of human LF (d) were measured at baseline, 1 W, 4 W, 12 W. Values represent the mean ± standard error. GCF levels of bovine and human LF were assessed in two teeth with chronic periodontitis per subject. *Significant difference between the test and control groups, as identified by Student’s t-test ( 𝑃 < . 0 5 ).