Review Article

Relevance of Variations in the Opposing Dentition for the Functionality of Fixed and Removable Partial Dentures: A Systematic Review

Table 6

Results on the longevity of fixed and removable prostheses.




No flaws10
Minor flaws21
Major flaws41

Patient age (a)55.8 [83,4%b]63.4 [100%b]
Gender (% m)45.6 [100%b]44.2 [100%b]

Oral hygiene indexa0.4–1.0 [5.8%b]0.4–1.0 [16.7%b]
Tobacco consumption0 [10.4%b]

Number of prostheses463156
Followup (Mo)65.9 [100%b]95.0 [100%b]
Drop-outs (%)7.7 [100%b]26.9 [100%b]

Residual dentition8.7 [14.9%b]7.5 [16.7%b]
Width of gaps0.9 [24.5%b]
Kennedy I7.1%52.6%
Kennedy II7.8%19.8%
Kennedy III34.6%9.0%
Kennedy IV0.9%1.9%
Kennedy n.a.c49.6%16.7%

Opposing arch ND16.6%0%
Opposing arch FPD2.8%0%
Opposing arch RPD0%39.7%
Opposing arch CD8.4%29.5%
Opposing arch n.a.c72.2%30.8%

Functional capability
with ND in OA (%)
86.7d for FPD {48e} 
(Esquivel-Upshaw et al., 
2008 [15])
97.8d for IFP {36e} 
(Balshi et al., 
1996 [13])

Functional capability
with ND in OA (%)
95.2d for FPD {60e} 
and Isidor, 1990 [12])
100d{60e (Budtz-Jørgensen 
and Isidor, 1990 [12])

Functional capability
with ND in OA (%)
100d for IFP {44.5e} 
(Romeo et al., 
2003 [16])*

aSilness and Löe plaque index [30].
bPercentage of the sample to which results refer to.
cData in publication could not be evaluated, since several groups were pooled or could not be itemized.
dPercentage of functional prostheses.
e(Intermediate) followup in month.
*Results from study with major biometrical flaws.
CD: complete denture, FPD: fixed partial denture, IFP: implant-supported fixed denture, m: male, mo: months, ND: natural dentition, OA: opposing arch, RCT: randomized controlled trial, RPD: removable partial denture, n/a: not available.