Clinical Study

Management of Class I and Class II Amalgam Restorations with Localized Defects: Five-Year Results

Table 1

U.S. Public Health Service/Ryge clinical criteria.

Clinical characteristicAlfaBravoCharlie

Marginal adaptationExplorer does not catch when drawn across the restoration/tooth interfaceExplorer falls into crevice when drawn across the restoration/tooth interfaceDentin or base is exposed along the margin

Anatomic formThe general contour of the restorations follows the contour of the toothThe general contour of the restoration does not follow the contour of the toothThe restoration has an overhang

Surface roughnessThe surface of the restoration has not any surface defectsThe surface of the restoration has minimal surface defectsThe surface of the restoration has severe surface defects

Secondary cariesThere is no clinical diagnosis of cariesNAThere is clinical diagnosis of caries