Research Article

Influence of the Cement Film Thickness on the Push-Out Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Posts Cemented in Human Root Canals

Table 1

Cement film thickness by drill size and location of root section (µm).

Root sectionG1 (WP #2)G2 (WP #3)G3 (WP #4)
Mean (±SD)Mean (±SD)Mean (±SD)

Cervical136.29 (±73.48)191.67 (±58.46)267.46 (±38.56)
Middle105.10 (±48.06)171.28 (±43.43)239.88 (±27.55)
Apical92.09 (±30.82)196.42 (±34.95)238.45 (±28.95)
Total110.16 (±54.89)185.92 (±47.01)248.78 (±34.31)

Note: different superscript lowercase letters indicate statistically significant differences by column. Different superscript capital letters indicate statistically significant differences by row (Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s test, ).