Clinical Study

An Observational Cohort Study on Delayed-Onset Infections after Mandibular Third-Molar Extractions

Table 1

Association between patient-related characteristics and delayed-onset infection (DOI).

Extractions without DOI (n = 209)Extractions with DOI (n = 8)p value

Age (years)22 (19–28)18 (16–25)0.06
BMI21.6 (19.7–23.8)20.2 (19.5–21.7)0.30
Gender M : F84 : 1252 : 60.48
Presence of systemic diseases30 (14.4)2 (25.0)0.34
Drug intake29 (13.9)00.60
Smoking habit66 (31.6)1 (12.5)0.44
Mouth opening in mm47 (40–50)45 (5–56)0.50

Total number of patients 179; total number of extractions 217. Data are expressed as number (%) or median (IQR). BMI: body mass index. Data not available in 13 extractions.