Research Article

Oral Cancer Knowledge Assessment: Newly Graduated versus Senior Dental Clinicians

Table 2

Distribution of the number and percentages of responses to specific questions about oral cancer knowledge according to responders’ seniority.

VariablesCategoriesDental cliniciansTotal (%)

Most common cancerSquamous cell carcinoma57 (67.9%)68 (64.8%)125 (66.1%)0.655
Other27 (32.1%)37 (35.2%)64 (33.9%)
Most frequent anatomical regionTongue50 (59.5%)53 (50.5%)103 (54.5%)0.215
Other34 (40.5%)52 (49.5%)86 (45.5%)
Most common aspect in initial cancerPainless ulcer72 (85.7%)90 (85.7%)162 (85.7%)1.000
Other12 (14.3%)15 (14.3%)27 (14.3%)
Most common age groupMore than 40 years old75 (89.3%)92 (87.6%)167 (88.4%)0.723
Other9 (10.7%)13 (12.4%)22 (11.6%)
Most characteristic regional lymph node metastasisHard, painless, with or without mobility58 (69%)73 (69.5%)131 (69.3%)0.944
Other26 (31%)32 (30.5%)58 (30.7%)
Diagnostic status in BrazilAdvanced64 (76.2%)87 (82.9%)151 (79.9%)0.256
Other20 (23.8%)18 (17.1%)38 (20.1%)
Most common condition associated with cancerLeukoplakia62 (73.8%)79 (75.2%)141 (74.6%)0.823
Other22 (26.2%)26 (24.8%)48 (25.4%)
84 (44.4%)105 (55.6%)189 (100%)

Note. values lower than 0.05 indicate statistically significant results; other = one of the incorrect answers.