Research Article

Oral Cancer Knowledge Assessment: Newly Graduated versus Senior Dental Clinicians

Table 4

Distribution of the number and percentages of responses about attitudes toward diagnosis of cancer and perception about this issue according to responders’ seniority.

VariablesCategoriesDental cliniciansTotal (%)

Self-assessment of knowledgeExcellent/good46 (54.8%)54 (51.4%)100 (52.9%)0.648
Regular/poor38 (45.2%)51 (48.6%)89 (47.1%)
Performs cancer exam in the 1st appointmentYes66 (78.6%)90 (85.7%)156 (82.5%)0.199
No18 (21.4%)15 (14.3%)33 (17.5%)
Reason for not performing the examPerformed the exam67 (79.8%)88 (83.8%)155 (82%)0.551
I do not know how to do it8 (9.5%)11 (10.5%)19 (10.1%)
I do not think it is necessary6 (7.1%)5 (4.8%)11 (5.8%)
I do not receive fees3 (3.6%)1 (1%)4 (2.1%)
Referral of suspicious lesionsStomatology53 (63.1%)73 (69.5%)126 (66.7%)0.007
Myself13 (15.5%)19 (18.1%)32 (16.9%)
Dental school15 (17.9%)3 (2.9%)18 (9.5%)
Specialized hospital2 (2.4%)6 (5.7%)8 (4.2%)
Physician1 (1.2%)4 (3.8%)5 (2%)
Confidence levelHigh26 (31%)40 (38.1%)66 (34.9%)0.407
Low55 (65.5%)59 (56.2%)114 (60.3%)
I do not know3 (3.6%)6 (5.7%)9 (4.8%)
Training at the universityYes59 (70.2%)46 (43.8%)105 (55.6%)≤0.001
No25 (29.8%)55 (52.4%)80 (42.3%)
I do not know0 (0)4 (3.8%)4 (2.1%)
Attended a course on oral cancerLast year17 (20.2%)13 (12.4%)30 (15.9%)0.006
Two years ago24 (28.6%)20 (19%)44 (23.3%)
More than two years ago19 (22.6%)52 (49.5%)71 (37.6%)
Never14 (16.9%)12 (11.4%)26 (13.8%)
I do not remember10 (11.9%)8 (7.6%)18 (9.5%)
84 (44.4%)105 (55.6%)189 (100%)

Note. values lower than 0.05 indicate statistically significant results.