Research Article

Plaque Index, Oral Hygiene Habits, and Depressive Symptomatology as Predictors of Clinical Attachment Loss: A Pilot Study

Table 4

One-way analysis of variance for independent groups and multiple pairwise comparisons of means.

VariableSampleM (95% CI)LeveneANOVAω2Multiple comparisons

CALDPS4.56 (4.45, 4.68)31.76Welch 19.50<0.0010.185Games–Howell:
MHS4.05 (3.90, 4.21)DPS>
GPS3.27 (2.56, 3.97)MHS = GPS

Plaque indexDPS2.84 (2.68, 3)8.78Welch 7.43<0.0010.179Games–Howell:
MHS2.74 (2.58, 2.90)DPS>
GPS2.21 (1.92, 2.51)MHS = GPS

OHHS total scoreDPS1.12 (0.94, 1.30)1.27ns2.900.0600.041Fisher: DPS > GPS
MHS1.18 (0.88, 1.48)DPS = MHS
GPS1.50 (1.22, 1.78)MHS = GPS

BDI-II total scoreDPS5.86 (4.41, 7.30)19.07Welch 63.05<0.0010.713Games–Howell:
MHS25.81 (22, 29.61)MHS>
GPS3.69 (2.36, 5.02)DPS = GPS

Note. Samples: DPS = sample of dental patients with periodontitis, MHS = sample of mental health patients with depressive symptomatology, and GPS = general population sample. Levene = testing statistic of Levene’s test for equality of variance; ns = nonsignificant =  value >0.050 and value ≤ 0.001 or probability value under null hypothesis of equality of variances. ANOVA: F = testing statistic for Fisher’s one-way analysis of variance for independent groups, Welch = testing statistic of Welch’s test for equality of means, and value = probability value under null hypothesis of equality of means. ω2 = omega-squared or effect size estimator. Multiple comparisons: groups whose means were statistically different by the Games–Howell test for multiple pairwise comparisons or Fisher's least significant difference test.