Research Article

Ethical Aspects concerning Instrument Separation and Perforations during Endodontic Treatment: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Questions related to the admission of the mishap as well as the conduct of the dentists when the malpractice was perceived.

1. Have you ever fractured any type of endodontic instrument?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Not sure
2. What is your conduct when intracanal breakage of an instrument occurs with possibilities of fragment removal?
(a) Inform the patient and finish the treatment in another appointment (try to remove the fragment)
(b) Inform the patient and continue the treatment (no attempt to remove the fragment)
(c) Inform the patient and refer to another professional
(d) Do not inform the patient and continue the treatment
(e) Do not inform the patient and refer to another professional
(f) Other conduct, state
3. What is your conduct when intracanal breakage of an instrument occurs with no possibilities of fragment removal?
(a) Inform the patient and finish the treatment in another appointment (try to remove the fragment)
(b) Inform the patient and continue the treatment (no attempt to remove the fragment)
(c) Inform the patient and refer to another professional
(d) Do not inform the patient and continue the treatment
(e) Do not inform the patient and refer to another professional
(f) Other conduct, state
4. Have you ever perforated a canal and/or a crown during root canal treatment?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Not sure
5. What is your conduct when you perforate a canal and/or a crown (perforation with a good prognosis) while you prepare it for root canal treatment?
(a) Inform the patient and repair it immediately
(b) Inform the patient and repair it in another appointment
(c) Inform the patient and refer to another professional
(d) Do not inform the patient and continue the treatment
(e) Do not inform the patient and refer to another professional
(f) Other conduct, state
6. What is your conduct when you perforate a canal and/or a crown (perforation with a poor prognosis) while you prepare it for root canal treatment?
(a) Inform the patient and repair it immediately
(b) Inform the patient and repair it in another appointment
(c) Inform the patient and refer to another professional
(d) Do not inform the patient and continue the treatment
(e) Do not inform the patient and refer to another professional
(f) Other conduct, state