Research Article

Prevalence of Postoperative Infection after Tooth Extraction: A Retrospective Study

Table 5

Binomial logistic regression with postoperative infection as the dependent variable.

VariableEstimateStandard errorZ value value

Sex (M)4.124.166e + 010.0990.921
Age (>60)−9.369.320 + 01−1.0050.314
Age (30–60)2.025.549 + 010.0370.970
Complexity (si)−2.037.134 + 01−2.8480.004
Operator (S)4.596.841 + 010.6710.502
Indication (C)1.441.524 + 030.0100.992
Indication (D)−1.422.486 + 030.0000.999
Indication (E)1.421.524 + 030.0090.992
Indication (O)1.511.524 + 030.0100.992
Indication (OX)1.401.524 + 030.0090.992
Indication (PC)1.591.524 + 030.0100.991
Indication (PD)1.441.524 + 030.0090.992
Antibiotic prescription (Y)2.775.473 + 010.5070.612

M: male; Si: simple; S: student: C: pulpal pathology; D: deciduous; E: elective; O: orthodontic; OX: others; PC: pericoronitis; PD: periodontal disease.