Research Article

Effect of Gelam Honey on the Oxidative Stress-Induced Signaling Pathways in Pancreatic Hamster Cells

Figure 5

The effect of flavonoids and Gelam honey extract on insulin content. (a) Effect of pretreatment with quercetin and Gelam honey extract and the addition of Akt inhibitor VIII on the insulin content in cells cultured in 20 mM glucose. There was a significant increase in insulin content ( ) when the cells were pretreated with quercetin and honey. There was a significant decrease in insulin content ( ) when the cells were treated with Akt inhibitor VIII, before pretreating with quercetin and Gelam honey extract. (b) Effect of pretreatment with quercetin and Gelam honey and the addition of Akt inhibitor VIII on the insulin content in cells cultured in 50 mM glucose. There was a significant increase in insulin content ( , ) when the cells were pretreated with quercetin and honey. There was a significant decrease in insulin content ( , ) when the cells were treated with Akt inhibitor VIII, before pretreating with quercetin and Gelam honey extract.