Research Article

Inflammatory Markers: C-Reactive Protein, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, and Leukocyte Count in Vitamin D Deficient Patients with and without Chronic Kidney Disease

Table 2

Clinical and laboratory data.

Variable ( )Mean ± SD (Min–Max)

Age (year) (1897) (18–90)
25-(OH) D3 ( g/L) (1897) (3–201)
Vit B12 (pg/mL) (443)401.9 (84–2001)
PTH (pg/mL) (1162) (2–2500)
CRP (mg/L) (996) (2–219)
ESR (mm/h) (1314) (1–141)
WBC (103/ g/L) (1451) (2.6–100)
Hemoglobin (gr/dL) (1001) (6.6–17.8)
Platelet (103/ g/L) (1003) (9–765)
Albumin (gr/dL) (577) (1.6–5.0)

Vit B12: vitamin B12; PTH: parathormone; CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; WBC: white blood cells; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum; Max: maximum.