Research Article

The Liposuction-Induced Effects on Adiponectin and Selected Cytokines Are Not Affected by Exercise Training in Women

Table 1

Effects of liposuction and exercise training on adipokine levels in normal-weight women.

VariablePREPOST2POST6Difference (CI 95%)

Adiponectin ( g/dL)
 Trained ( )19.3 (7.3)a17.5 (6.8)a12.5 (4.1)b7.6 (2.8 to 12.4)0.0003
 Nontrained ( )19.4 (8.0)a18.1 (8.4)a12.8 (3.9)b6.7 (2.0 to 11.3)0.001
TNF- (pg/mL)
 Trained ( )0.64 (0.72)a0.86 (0.99)a0.52 (0.40)a0.19 (−0.73 to 1.11)0.99
 Nontrained ( )0.83 (0.42)a0.90 (0.58)a1.22 (1.10)a−0.36 (−1.50 to 0.78)0.92
IL-6 (pg/mL)
 Trained ( )1.15 (0.90)a1.38 (1.33)a0.80 (0.34)a0.30 (−0.56 to 1.14)0.90
 Nontrained ( )0.85 (0.55)a1.29 (0.87)a1.23 (0.88)a−0.38 (−1.20 to 0.46)0.77
IL-10 (pg/mL)
 Trained ( )1.78 (0.76)a1.79 (0.73)a1.69 (0.94)a0.11 (−0.54 to 0.76)0.99
 Nontrained ( )1.55 (0.76)a1.64 (0.47)a1.42 (0.60)a0.14 (−0.53 to 0.81)0.98

Data are expressed as mean (SD), estimated mean of differences (confidence interval of 95%), and level of significance ( ) between PRE versus POST6 (within-group comparisons; mixed model for repeated measures). Equal superscripted letters represent equal means and different superscripted letters represent statistically different means ( , between- or within-group comparisons).