Research Article

Dynamic Interactive Educational Diabetes Simulations Using the World Wide Web: An Experience of More Than 15 Years with AIDA Online

Figure 6

(a) Advanced Display option showing fluxes for the baseline simulation from Figure 4(c). “Glucose Absorption Rate” shows glucose absorption following carbohydrate ingestion in meals; “Renal Excretion” shows the passage of glucose into the urine, above the renal threshold of glucose; “Peripheral Glucose Utilization” demonstrates the utilization of glucose in the periphery, while “Net Hepatic Glucose Balance” shows the production or utilization of glucose by the liver. (b) Screenshot from AIDA online2 showing two of the entries in the online glossary—directly accessible at—which is linked to the online simulator output. In this way, users can click on HTML links to obtain explanations about terms they do not understand or concepts with which they are unfamiliar.