Research Article

Sodium Valproate Enhances the Urethane-Induced Lung Adenomas and Suppresses Malignization of Adenomas in Ovariectomized Female Mice

Table 3

Number of adenomas and adenocarcinomas in experimental mice groups.

GroupNumber of tumors
AdenocarcinomaAdenomaAdenocarcinoma + adenoma
Median (range)TotalMedian (range)TotalMedian (range)Total

Intact control 15000000
Ovariectomized control12000000

Intact urethane-treated 102 (0–6)250 (0–2)54 (1–7)30
Ovariectomized urethane-treated124 (1–6)441 (0–3)155.5 (2–7)59

Intact urethane-NaVP-treated134 (0–10)471 (0–4)186 (1–11)65
Ovariectomized urethane-NaVP-treated 142.5 (1–5)331 (0–7)284 (1–10)61

Intact NaVP-treated 150 (0-1)1001 (0-1)1
Ovariectomized NaVP-treated15000000

in comparison with ovariectomized urethane-treated (Mann-Whitney test).
comparing the median value of adenocarcinoma number with the adenoma in the intact urethane-treated group.
comparing the median value of adenocarcinoma with the adenoma in the intact urethane-NaVP-treated group.
comparing the median value adenocarcinoma number with the adenoma in the ovariectomized urethane-treated group.