Review Article

Shift Work and Endocrine Disorders

Table 4

Articles selected for insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and shift work, published between 2003 and 2014.

Autors (year)PopulationMain result

Esquirol et al. (2012) [10]Shiftworkers and Dayworkers Shiftworkers were characterized as having significantly higher triglycerides and free fatty acids and normal but lower blood glucose. The risk of a high β-cell activity was increased in shiftworkers. Shiftworkers had lower insulin sensitivity.
Leproult et al. (2014) [9]Simulating ShiftworkersInsulin sensitivity significantly decreased after sleep restriction, without a compensatory increase in insulin secretion, and inflammation increased.
Li et al. (2011) [19]ShiftworkersCompared with the day workers, shift workers had a significantly higher risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS).
Padilha et al. (2010) [65]Night shift and Day shift and Early day shift WorkersThe early morning group had the highest concentrations of cortisol and tended to have insulin resistence.
Esquirol et al. (2009) [11]Rotating Shift and day Shift WorkersShift work remained associated with metabolic syndrome, after taking into account potential covariates like job strain, physical activity, quantitative dietary parameters, and meal distribution.
Pan et al. (2011) [12]Rotating night shifts Long duration of rotating night shift work is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in women.
Ika et al. (2013) [13]Day shift and continuous rotating shift work and seasonal rotating shift wok. Compared with non-shift workers, the risk of diabetes mellitus was increased among continuous shift workers, whereas its effect is limited among seasonal shift workers.
Young et al. (2013) [66]Day shift and night shift and rotating shift work as shift work together.Poorer control of diabetes was associated with working shifts.
Kroenke et al. (2007) [67]Rotating night-shift work.Women working more hours per week had an elevated risk of diabetes.
Buxton et al. (2012) [68]Free running and sleep restriction laboratory simulation. Prolonged sleep restriction with concurrent circadian disruption decreased resting metabolic rate, and increased postprandial plasma glucose.
Monk and Buysse (2013) [69]Night and rotating shift.Shift work showed an increased proportion of self-reported diabetes with OR of about 2 when compared non-shift work.
Wirth et al. (2014) [70]Day, night and rotating shift.Higher pro-inflammatory diets observed among shift workers compared to day-working.
Eriksson et al. (2013) [71]Night and rotating shift.The risk of type 2 diabetes was increased in women who work in shift.
Karlsson et al. (2003) [72]Shiftworkers and dayworkersIt was found an association between shift work and lipid disorders.
la Sala et al. (2007) [73]Shiftworkers and dayworkersNight shift work is associated with a greater risk to develop metabolic syndrome in workers healthy in baseline conditions.
Sookoian et al. (2007) [74]Shiftworkers and dayworkersHigher risk of developing metabolic syndrome in shift workers, independent of age and physical activity.