Clinical Study

Results after En Bloc Lateral Wall Decompression Surgery with Orbital Fat Resection in 111 Patients with Graves’ Orbitopathy

Table 1

Pre- and postoperative results of diplopia analysis (Gorman score (GS): 1–4). In patients undergoing bilateral decompression surgery postoperative analysis after the first surgical intervention was performed before surgery on the fellow eye.

GS 1
(no diplopia)
GS 2
(intermittent, diplopia when tired)
GS 3
(inconstant, gaze-dependent diplopia)
GS 4
(constant, diplopia in primary or reading position)

Preoperative (total of 158 orbits)58 (37.4%)105535
Postoperative (total of 155 orbits)61 (39.4%)951 34