Research Article

Myo-Inositol Safety in Pregnancy: From Preimplantation Development to Newborn Animals

Figure 1

Effect of myo-inositol medium supplementation on pronuclear formation and embryo development during the first two days of in vitro culture. Completion of early developmental steps by zygotes cultured in the absence (grey bars) or the presence (solid bars) of 10 mM myo-inositol. Zygotes were scored 6 hours (a) and embryos at 24–26 hours (b) and 48–50 hours (c) p.f. Bars represent the mean ± SEM of 7 independent experiments of the fraction of embryos at each indicated stage. (a) N, myo-Ins− embryos (grey bars), 121; myo-Ins+ embryos (solid bars), 123. ((b), (c)) N, myo-Ins− embryos (grey bars), 97; myo-Ins+ embryos (solid bars), 106. Asterisks indicate difference between treatments calculated by test with Yates correction for continuity: (b) ; (c) .