Research Article

Predictive Factors of Development of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy for Patients with Juvenile Graves’ Disease

Table 1

General and disease characteristics of study sample ().

VariableGO(–) ()GO(+) () value
Mean SDMedian (IQR)Mean SDMedian (IQR)

Age, years23 (6.0)24 (17–28)22 (7.0)23 (16–28)0.468
 Female, % ()91.3 (84)76.3 (29)0.021
 Male, % ()8.7 (8)23.7 (9)
 Caucasian, % ()100 (130)
BMI, kg/m220.68 (19.15–22.33)20.76 (19.17–22.09)0.938
Duration of GD, months72 (8–122)
Treatment, % ()
 ATD MMI/PTU54.6 (71)/4.6 (6)22.3 (29)/2.3 (3)0.916/0.720
 Thyroidectomy11.5 (15)4.6 (6)0.942
 Radioactive iodine2.3 (3)1.5 (2)0.589

GO (−): Graves’ disease patients without Graves’ ophthalmopathy; GO (+): Graves’ disease patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy; BMI: body mass index; ATD: antithyroid drug; MMI: methimazole; PTU: propylthiouracil.