Research Article

XRCC5 VNTR, XRCC6 -61C>G, and XRCC7 6721G>T Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Male Infertility Risk: Evidences from Case-Control and In Silico Studies

Table 4

The prediction of the consequence of XRCC7 -6721G>T mutation via HSF 3 tool.
(a) HSF matrices

Sequence positioncDNA positionSplice site typeMotifNew splice siteWild typeMutantIf cryptic site use, exon length variationVariation (%)


(b) Branch points

Sequence positioncDNA positionBranch point motifCV for reference sequence (0–100)CV for mutant sequence (0–100)Variation


(c) ESE Finder matrices for SRp40, SC35, SF2/ASF, and SRp55 proteins

Sequence positioncDNA positionLinked SR proteinReference motif (value 0–100)Linked SR proteinMutant motif (value 0–100)Variation

92+92SF2/ASF (IgM-BRCA1)CAGCGGA (90.08)SF2/ASF (IgM-BRCA1)CAGCTGA (77.77)−13.66%
92+92SF2/ASF (IgM-BRCA1)CAGCGGA (90.08)SF2/ASFCAGCTGA (78.10)−13.29%
92+92SF2/ASFCAGCGGA (89.23)SF2/ASF (IgM-BRCA1)CAGCTGA (77.77)−12.84%
92+92SF2/ASFCAGCGGA (89.23)SF2/ASFCAGCTGA (78.10)−12.47%
93+93SRp55AGCGGA (76.48)Site broken −100
95+95SF2/ASF (IgM-BRCA1)CGGACTC (74.23)Site broken −100
96+96SC35GGACTCTT (75.23)Site broken −100

(d) ESE motifs from HSF

Sequence positioncDNA positionLinked ESE proteinReference motif (value 0–100)Linked ESE proteinMutant motif (value 0–100)Variation

94+949G8GCGGAC (77.99)9G8GCTGAC (78.59)+0.77%

(e) Silencer motifs

Sequence positioncDNA positionSironi motif referenceReference silencer (value 0–100)Sironi mutant motifMutant silencer (value 0–100)Variation

89+89Motif 1: CTAGAGGTAAACAGCT (66.19)New site
91+91Motif 1: CTAGAGGTACAGCGGA (65.75)Site broken 0.66

(f) hnRNP motifs

Sequence positioncDNA positionLinked hnRNP proteinReference motif (value 0–100)Linked hnRNP proteinMutant motif (value 0–100)Variation

92+92hnRNP A1CAGCGG (66.67)Site broken –100

(g) Interpreted data

Predicted signalPrediction algorithmcDNA positionInterpretation

ESS site broken(1) Sironi et al., Motif 1Alteration of an intronic ESS site
Potential alteration of splicing
(2) HSF matrices-hnRNP A1