Research Article

The Selfish Grandma Gene: The Roles of the X-Chromosome and Paternity Uncertainty in the Evolution of Grandmothering Behavior and Longevity

Figure 2

Hamiltonian 𝑟 value for autosomal and X-relatedness between paternal grandmothers (PGM) and grandchildren; that is, the likelihood that any given autosomal or X-linked gene in the PGM will be present in her grandchild. These values are expressed in terms of a range of paternity certainty. (a) Shows the relatedness between a PGM and her granddaughter, and (b) shows the relatedness between a PGM and her grandson. For example, when paternal certainty is 100%, a granddaughter has a 50% chance of carrying any given X-linked allele of her PGMs’, and a 25% chance of carrying any given autosomal allele of her PGMs’. See Supplementary Material Table  S7 for mathematical methods available online at doi:10.4061/2011/165919.
(a) granddaughter: PGM
(b) grandson: PGM