Research Article

Repeatability and Heritability of Behavioural Types in a Social Cichlid

Table 5

Fixed effects on offspring behavioural type using the variance components approach (GLMM REML). In the base model only random effects of pair identity and brood identity nested within pair identity were added. Fixed effects were then tested stepwise for entry into this base model. See Table 2 for offspring sample sizes. Treatments of the brood were “with parents”, “with foster parents”, or in “isolation”. Stocks were from 1996, 2006 or 2009. Volumes, temperatures, and offspring size are continuous (covariate) effects.

Fixed effectStatistics when entered into base model
dfError df F 𝑃

Treatment of the brood2100.20.54.59
Mother stock272.80.21.81
Father stock265.50.18.83
Tank volume (litre)a1123.70.25.62
Tank volume (litre)b1121.30.02.90
Tank temperature (°C)a1112.50.30.58
Tank temperature (°C)b1112.80.21.65
Offspring body size (SL mm)c1440.00.29.59

Volume and water temperature of the offspring raising tanks: abefore and bafter transfer.
cBody size at personality testing.