Review Article

Baculovirus: Molecular Insights on Their Diversity and Conservation

Figure 2

Baculovirus core genes. The different circles represent the 4 baculovirus genera (in yellow Alphabaculovirus; in green Betabaculovirus; in red Gammabaculovirus; in blue Deltabaculovirus). The numbers contained within the overlapping regions indicate the amount of shared genes between all members of the genera. The numbers within the circles but outside the overlapping regions indicate the amount of genes shared by all members of that genus but with the absence of orthologous sequences in the remaining genera. These estimations were inferred by Blast P algorithm ( considering 𝐸 = 0 . 0 0 1 as cutoff value and comparing all reported baculovirus ORFs between them. The identity of common genes is provided in the Supplementary data available at doi:10.4061/2011/379424