Research Article

A 150-Year Conundrum: Cranial Robusticity and Its Bearing on the Origin of Aboriginal Australians

Table 1

Cranial traits used in phenetic studies of WLH50 (characters from [55]).

CharacterDevelopmental subunit*

(1) Angular torusVault
(2) Coronal keelVault
(3) Sagittal keel on frontalVault
(4) Lateral frontal trigoneVault
(5) Linea obliquus strongly developedVault
(6) Mastoid crestVault
(7) Sagittal keel on parietalVault
(8) Postlambdoidal eminenceVault
(9) Prebregmatic eminenceVault
(10) Projecting inionVault
(11) Sulcus dividing the medial and lateral elements of the supraorbital torus or superciliary archesOrbit
(12) Superior margin of the orbit blunt (as opposed to sharp)Orbit
(13) Suprainiac fossaVault
(14) Supramastoid crestVault
(15) Temporal line forms a ridgeVault
(16) Transversely extensive nuchal torusVault

*After Ackermann and Cheverud [120].