Research Article

Cuticular Hydrocarbon Content that Affects Male Mate Preference of Drosophila melanogaster from West Africa

Figure 4

Mate discrimination by Mel6 males towards females with different cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. (a) Number of mated pairs in the double-choice mating experiment by substituting Mel6 females with BZ1 females in Figure 2(b). The pattern did not deviate from random mating (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel exact test ). (b) Number of mated pairs in the double-choice mating experiment by substituting TW1 females with F1 females (Mel6 × TW1) in Figure 2(b). The pattern deviated from random mating (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel exact test ). (c), (d) Gas chromatograms of -hexane extracts of BZ1 females and F1 females (Mel6 × TW1), respectively. The numbers indicate corresponding peaks in Figure 3.