Research Article

A Short-Term Advantage for Syngamy in the Origin of Eukaryotic Sex: Effects of Cell Fusion on Cell Cycle Duration and Other Effects Related to the Duration of the Cell Cycle—Relationship between Cell Growth Curve and the Optimal Size of the Species, and Circadian Cell Cycle in Photosynthetic Unicellular Organisms

Figure 5

Evolution of the critical size of division (G2/M) in cell populations with subexponential growth ((a), coefficient = 0.5) and overexponential ((b), coefficient = 1.5) in a simulation where CELLSIMULATOR allowable limits are 1 and 50. In both cases, the founder of the population has a critical size for division of 10. The mutation rate of G2/M is 10%. In (a) the critical size for division is stabilized slightly above 2, as bipartition thus generates two daughter cells of the size closest to 1. (b) is stabilized just below 50. (In (a), the average generation is 60, so the simulation includes about 800 generations. In (b), it is 30, so the simulation includes about 1600 generations.)