Research Article

Extensive Introgression among Ancestral mtDNA Lineages: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Utaka within the Lake Malawi Cichlid Flock

Figure 2

Haplotype networks of the Utaka obtained in this study. The upper network contains the majority of the specimens analysed and is separated from the lower network (named virginalis clade in text) by more than seven mutations. Each circle represents a haplotype and is coloured according to the respective species: blue: C. borleyi; orange: C. sp. “virginalis kajose”; red: C. quadrimaculatus; green: C. chrysonotus yellow: M. eucinostomus; purple: C. mloto and C. sp. “meta”. Size of the circles is proportional to the frequency of each haplotype as indicated in the scaled circles. Small black circles in branches represent missing haplotypes. Dashed lines represent alternative connections with the number of missing haplotypes written above the lines.