Review Article

Divergence in Defence against Herbivores between Males and Females of Dioecious Plant Species

Table 1

Terminology for flowers and sexual systems.


 PistillateUnisexual flower with functional pistils only (female flower; may have vestigial, sterile stamens (staminodia))
 StaminateUnisexual flower with functional stamens only (male flower; may have vestigial, sterile pistils (pistilodia))
 Bisexual, perfectBisexual flower with both functional pistils and stamens
Sexual system
 MonomorphicOne kind of plant (floral morph) in the population
  HermaphroditeMost commonly applied to plants with bisexual flowers, but all monomorphic populations consist of hermaphrodite individuals
  MonoeciousPistillate and staminate flowers on same plant
  GynomoneciousBoth bisexual and pistillate flowers on same plant
  AndromonoeciousBoth bisexual and staminate flowers on same plant
  TrimoneciousBisexual, pistillate, and staminate flowers on same plant
 DimorphicTwo kinds of plants (floral morphs) in the population
  DioeciousOne morph male (with staminate flowers only); the other female (with pistillate flowers only)
  GynodioeciousOne morph female, the other hermaphrodite (with either bisexual flowers or both pistillate and staminate flowers)
  AndrodioeciousOne morph male, the other hermaphrodite (as above)
 TrimorphicThree floral morphs in the population
  TrioeciousMales, females, and hermaphrodites

Modified from Dellaporta and Calderon-Urrea 1993.