Research Article

Variation in Specificity of Soil-Borne Pathogens from a Plant's Native Range versus Its Nonnative Range

Figure 2

Effect of isolates of Pythium spp., associated with Prunus serotina trees in their native (: 17 isolates from USA) and nonnative ranges (●: 10 isolates from western Europe), on the survival, root rot, and stem biomass of P. serotina seedlings from two portions of its native range, Louisiana and Pennsylvania, USA. Each symbol represents the average response of experimental units to a given isolate while interacting with seedlings from either Pennsylvania seed ( 𝑛 = 2 vessels per isolate) or Louisiana seed ( 𝑛 = 3 vessels per isolate). Best fit regression lines are shown and the hatched lines correspond with data for isolates from the native range. Each experimental vessel contained only one isolate and seedlings from only a single seed source. Some data points overlap.