Research Article

Divergent Selection and Then What Not: The Conundrum of Missing Reproductive Isolation in Misty Lake and Stream Stickleback

Table 2

Ecotype-specific LS means ± S.E for body size (mm, back transformed values with upper and lower S.E. in brackets) and sqrt (male behaviour) for Misty Inlet (I), Outlet (O), and Lake (L) stickleback, with ecotype main effects and Tukey adjusted pairwise comparisons.

Female sizeMale sizeMale aggressionMale display (male ecotype)Male display (female ecotype)

EcotypeInlet59.04 (0.54/0.54)55.77 (0.86/0.85)
Outlet69.81 (0.57/0.56)65.16 (0.93/0.92)
Lake68.48 (0.63/0.62)65.20 (0.94/0.93)
Ecotype main effectF 2,7.24 = 102.19F 2,5.41 = 36.04F 2, 36.7 = 7.54F 2, 38.5 = 3.69F 2,66.2=2.09
I vs. L *** ** ** * °
I vs. O *** ** ** nsns
L vs. Onsnsnsnsns

P:° < 0.1, * < 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** < 0.001, ns > 0.1.