Research Article

Modeling Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Richness Using Landscape Attributes

Table 4

Feeding guild, water quality tolerance, and life habit preferences for macroinvertebrate families in the study area and associated habitat classes.

FamilyFeeding guildWater quality toleranceHabitat preferencesHCBHCGHOBHOGLCBLCGLOBLOG

Aeolosomatidae cfTburXXXXXXXX
Ancylidae scIallXX
Asellidae cgTallXXXXXXXX
Athericidae prIspXXXX
Baetidae cgIswXXXX
Bithyniidae scTallXXXX
Blephariceridae scIclgXX
Brachycentridae cfIclgXX
Caenidae cgIspXXXX
Calopterygidae prIclbXXXX
Cambaridae cgIallXXXX
Capniidae shIspXX
Carabidae prIclgXX
Ceratopogonidae prIspXXXX
Chironomidae cgIspXXXX
Chloroperlidae prIclgXX
Coenagrionidae prTclbXXXXXXXX
Corixidae prIswXXXX
Corydalidae prIclgXX
Curculionidae shIclgX
Dixidae cgIswXXXX
Dolichopodidae prIspXXXX
Dytiscidae prIclbXXXX
Elmidae scIclgXX
Empididae prIspXXXX
Enchytraeidae cgTburXXXXXXXX
Ephemerellidae cgIclgXX
Ephemeridae cgIburXXXX
Gammaridae cgIallXXXX
Glossosomatidae scIclgXX
Gomphidae prIburXXXX
Heptageniidae scIclgXX
Hydrobiidae scTallXXXX
Hydrophilidae cgIswXXXX
Hydropsychidae cfIclgXX
Hydroptilidae scIclgXX
Lepidostomatidae shIclbXX
Leptoceridae cgIclbXXXX
Leptophlebiidae cgIswXXXX
Leuctridae shIspXX
Limnephilidae shIspXX
Muscidae prIspXXXX
Naididae cgTburXXXXXXXX
Nemouridae shIspXX
Noteridae prIswXXXX
Oligoneuriidae cgIswXXXX
Orthocladiinae cgTburXXXXXXXX
Peltoperlidae shIclgX
Perlidae prIclgXX
Perlodidae prIclgXX
Philopotamidae cfIclgXX
Phryganeidae shIclbXX
Physidae cgTallXXXXXXXX
Pisidiidae cfIburXXXX
Polycentropodidae cfIclgXX
Polymitarcyidae cgIburXXXX
Potamanthidae cgIspXXXX
Psephenidae scIclgXX
Psychomyiidae cgIclgXX
Pteronarcyidae shIclgX
Pyralidae shIclbXX
Rhyacophilidae prIclgXX
Saldidae prIclbXXXX
Sialidae prIburXXXX
Simuliidae cfIclgXX
Siphlonuridae cgIswXXXX
Sphaeriidae cfIburXXXX
Tabanidae prIspXXXX
Talitridae cgTburXXXXXXXX
Tetrastemmatidae prTallXXXXXXXX
Tipulidae shIburXX
Tricorythidae cgIspXXXX
Tubificidae cgTburXXXXXXXX

H = high gradient, L = low gradient, C = closed canopy, O = open canopy, G = water quality suitable for life support, and B = water quality biologically stressed;
cf = collector filterer, cg = collector gatherer, sc = scraper, sh = shredder, pr = predator; I = intolerant, T = tolerant; bur = burrower, clb = climber, clg = clinger, sp = sprawler, sw = swimmer, and all = all life habits represented.