Research Article

Potential Germination Success of Exotic and Native Trees Coexisting in Central Spain Riparian Forests

Table 3

Generalized linear models assessing the importance of seed age, seed bank type, and population on cumulative seed germination () and mean time to germinate () in A. altissima and R. pseudoacacia in the 2011-2012 experiment.

SpeciesA. altissimaR. pseudoacacia
Response variables

Explanatory variables
 Seed age (SA)4263.913330.46<0.0014149.826249.72<0.001491.864790.66<0.0014140.983469.72<0.001
 Seed bank type (SBT)NS170.299179.42<0.00114.093786.570.0417.932461.790.005
 Population (POP)123.766306.70<0.00112.692176.73NS129.579756.99<0.0011125.783336.01<0.001
 SBT × POPNS16.767169.960.0114.784752.210.03NS

(df) degrees of freedom; (D) deviance; (RD) residual deviance; (P) P value of test used to evaluate if selected predictors explain a significant fraction of the deviance; NS, not significant).