Research Article

Help Seeking and Access to Primary Care for People from “Hard-to-Reach” Groups with Common Mental Health Problems

Algorithm 1

Topic guide.
Topic guide
(I) Introduction
Explanation of ethics and confidentiality of dialogues
and consent
Aim of AMP study
Objectives of the Phase 1
Structure of the dialogue and timing
(II) Story telling (30 min)
Decision to do something about perceived mental health
problem and eventually an initial demand to services as
“critical incidents” and departure points for storytelling
(III) Consultation (Service user/carer as a consultant)
  (30 min)
(a) Right type of treatment (preferable content of a
  therapeutic intervention)
(b) Right way of getting treatment
 (1) Appropriate Place
 (2) Appropriate Time
 (3) Appropriate Communication
  (including Consultation)
(c) Resources
 (1) Information and knowledge
 (2) Finances, time, skills and other practical assets
(IV) Closure of the dialogue
Next steps in the SP3 and how this dialogue will contribute
to AMP programme.