Research Article

Retrospective Analysis of Metabolic Syndrome: Prevalence and Distribution in Executive Population in Urban Pakistan

Table 1

Age and gender specific prevalence of individual components of MetS among 1329 participants.
(a) Total population

ParameterTotal populationMen only
Women only
𝑃 value
𝑁 = 1 3 2 9 𝑁 = 9 3 6 𝑁 = 3 9 3

Age*47.6 ( ± 1 1 . 6 )*936 (70.5)393 (29.5)0.13
% BMI: ≥ 25 kg/m2934 (70.3)654 (70.0)280 (30.0)0.61
% raised triglycerides532 (41.6)399 (75.0)133 (25.0)0.02
% reduced HDL cholesterol715 (58.7)478 (66.9)237 (33.1)<0.001
% raised blood pressure729 (54.9)536 (73.5)193 (26.5)0.006
% raised plasma fasting glucose834 (63.4)624 (74.8)210 (25.2)<0.001

*Mean (standard deviation), 𝑁 : number (percentage).
𝑃 -value: difference in males and females, significance at <0.05.
BMI: 25 kg/m2.
Raised triglycerides: ≥150 mg/dL (1.69 mmol/L).
Reduced HDL cholesterol: <40mg/dL (1.04 mmol/L) in men, <50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in women.
Raised blood pressure: ≥130/85 mm Hg.
Raised plasma fasting glucose: ≥100 mg/dL (≥6.1 mmol/L).
(b) Age less than 40 years

ParameterTotal populationMen only
Women only
𝑃 -value
𝑁 (%) 𝑁 (%) 𝑁 (%)

Age < 40 years323 (24.3)222 (68.7)101 (31.3)0.44
BMI 25 kg/m2218 (67.5)157 (72.0)61 (28.0)0.04
Raised triglycerides109 (34.8)131 (75.2)73 (24.8)0.03
Reduced HDL cholesterol
195 (63.7)128 (65.6)67 (34.4)0.04
Raised blood pressure127 (39.3)105 (82.7)22(17.3)<0.001
Raised plasma fasting glucose135 (42.2)108 (80.0)27 (20.0)<0.001

𝑁 : number (percentage).
𝑃 -value: difference in males and females, significance at <0.05.
(c) Age more than 40 years

ParameterTotal populationMen only
Women only
𝑃 -value
𝑁 (%) 𝑁 (%) 𝑁 (%)

Age > 40 years1006 (75.7)714 (71.0)292 (29.0)0.44
% BMI: 25 kg/m2716 (71.2)497 (69.4)219 (30.6)0.05
% Raised triglycerides423 (43.8)317 (74.9)106 (25.1)0.02
% Reduced HDL cholesterol
520 (57.0)350 (67.3)170 (32.7)<0.001
% Raised blood pressure602 (59.8)431 (71.6)171 (28.4)0.59
% Raised plasma fasting glucose699 (70.2)516 (73.8)183 (26.2)0.002

𝑁 : number (percentage).
𝑃 -value: difference in males and females, significance at <0.05.